Friday, April 1, 2011

Summer is...

... fattening. :))

I'm not kidding. Summer life basically equates to food. I've been gorging on a whole bucket of caramel-glazed clusters (yes, clusters) of popcorn with pecan and almonds since finals week (It's how I cope with the stress. :(( ). Then my good friend Maxine gave me a whole bar of durian candy from Davao which gives me bad breath but I eat it anyway! And I made French toast with my sister this afternoon, which got really, well, toast. (I can hear my blockmates wehhh-ing me right now.) Some slices got badly burned. It's my first time eating French toast. I'm not even sure if we did it right, but they were really gooood. That's the only thing that matters anyway. :))

I've been trying to make up for my massive food intake this summer through exercise. Guess what I've been doing? I've been climbing some stairs. I live in a condominium, you see. And what we do have a lot of is stairs. :)) I climb from the 11th floor to the roof deck (27th floor) around 2-3 times, so that would be 16 floors times three! But our building has no 13th floor, so technically I just climb 15 floors per round. ...which reminds me of a funny story about my stair-climbing thing that happened last summer.

I take breaks between every few floors so I wouldn't get too tired and collapse from being out of breath. So that one time, I was walking around the 22nd floor, I think. And I saw a REALLY HUGE doggie. Maybe if it stood up, he'd be tall enough to reach my shoulder. It was so big and so brown and so fluffehhhhh. It was asleep behind a metal door inside one unit, so I was brave enough to go up close to stare at it. 8D Okay, I didn't just stare. I made some "psssst" sounds (I have no idea why) at it, and suddenly the doggie raised its head and HOWLED. At me, I wasn't so sure. I was so shocked, I ran away. And I was too scared to look back. =))

... I need a real form of exercise. Swimming! Yes. I want to go to the beach! :(( You know, I have never been to the beach since I was four. How sad is that?

On a completely unrelated note, our grades came out today. It was simply nerve-wracking, because our English grades were uploaded late! But now that they're out, all I can say is that the results were more than satisfactory! :D Everyone is still reeling from the shock of not being a freshman anymore, including me! It makes me wonder how much I have learned this year. As I was cleaning out my readings and test papers and lab manuals the other day, I was shocked to find how much MONEY I have wasted photocopying readings some of which I have never even touched. =)) Kidding aside, my experience as a freshman is pretty much the just the beginning of a loooong college life ahead of me. I do hope I'm prepared enough to grow up and become a sophomore! No one will baby us anymore. :)) I am really glad I was able to meet loads of wonderful friends and blockmates and classmates and professors and ates and kuyas and photocopying ladies and janitors and Kirk Long and Ryan Buenafe who have all helped me, in one way or another, through the struggles of being a Atenean n00b. One big THANK YOU to all of you! >:D<

I miss my high school friends. I need to spend time with them as soon as possible or I may just start losing my mind. It's always easiest to be one's self with people one grew up with. And I can not wait to give my friends a piece of my mind for losing touch! Hello, As-as! :|

Actually, summer for me is... a time to think. With so much free time on my hands, it is so easy to get bored and just space out and think about things that often pass me by. So it's PERFECT for writing a novel! Aimee challenged me (and a few other friends) to write a 50000-word novel in a month! The challenge starts today, and I have already started! But after a hundred or so words, I got stuck. Already. XD

What's summer for you?


  1. I wanna taste that popcorn :P. Haha. I'm so jealous of you, you already have 100 words T_T. I'm at 0 =)). Haha. Keep writing, and let me read all your blogs! -Mico :P

  2. Actually, I think I lost weight this summer. :/

  3. mico! kaya mo yan. :))
    andy, curse your metabolism!

    thanks for being a huge part of my freshman year at Ateneo :)
    weee see you soon! >:D<

  5. hi beeeel! yeeees, beach please!! hahaha! thanks diiin! I miss you!! >:D<

  6. summer is THE time to be lazyyyy... ''THE LAZY SONG" <3


    Asdfceip I need to start working on that novel. You've already got 100 words and I haven't even thought of what I want mine to be about! Hahaha. :| Anyway! Good suck to us all! xD

  8. Tin. Summer is laze all you can before stress comes back! :)) tomoh!

    Jess, Aim has something to tell you... :))

  9. Hello Cher Bear! It's been a long time since you blogged? :> Glad to see you're on it again. Wooot. Ganbatte. ;)

  10. 50,000 words. Whoops...

    Love your story about the fluffeehhhhhhhh dog btw =))
