Saturday, November 5, 2011


I turned 18 today. It rained buckets the whole afternoon, but rainbows kept popping up everywhere that it made me think that maybe unicorns do exist!

1. I treated my high school friends to lunch today and made them wear ROYGBIV colors because I felt like it. And they did. Here's a pic!
(L-R: Jom, Vincent, Jermy, As-as, Jason, Max, myself) [incomplete because Elyse and Tim left early. :(]

2. Asrielle gave me a gift wrapped in rainbow-colored paper with lotion inside!

 (wrapper only; gave up on tearing it up neatly;
got thrown away already but picked it up from the trash for blog post's sake)

3. My dear friend Maxine compiled a bunch of messages from my high school class, and put them into this jar filled with rainbow stars!!!

4. And in one of those messages, Abigail wrote to me and told me my smile is like a rainbow. :">
5. And THEN, while we were getting back from the mall, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" played on the radio. It was this version. ;__; Beautiful. So beautiful. :((


I laughed until I cried with my friends today.
We karaoke-d at a Chinese restaurant called President Grand Palace Restaurant (not the tea house) and some of the lines were cut midway like "Please don't stop the mu" and "Keep bleeding L". Yes, we sang the way the videoke told us to. Please don't stop the MOOOOO. :)) We had great food and it was wonderful. And then we learned that the rain was starting to pour and we knew it was our fault. We went to Robinson's Place afterwards and hung out with no worries in mind, just spending quality time teasing each other and making fun of my friend ******* who had found love in her life. There were so many things to celebrate today.

I cried until I laughed with my family tonight.
I came home to find that my family had already eaten dinner (which were leftovers from my lunch with my friends) because they thought I had eaten out, and so I threw a fit like a little girl that I was not supposed to be. I was raging and all, but my family calmed me down and actually sat down and ate with me again. And then my dad threw the cake box on the table and they sang me happy birthday and my mother said a prayer for me and I cried.

And then we ate a quarter of it and my sister and I turned it into Pac-man... with pockmarks. u_u
(Thank you As-as and Max and Jermy for the chocolate mousse cake!)

Now I'm crying again. I may be eighteen now, but I'm really just a big baby who cries over every little beautiful thing. But rainbows are beautiful and rainbows are here again. Rainbows are for when the rain has stopped, and now, so should my tears. Happy 18th to me!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHER!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:D<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


  3. congratulations... happy time for sure... stay blessed and golden
